Monday, November 16, 2009

Random Monday.

Well today was quite eventful for a Monday. Got up and decided to take a bike ride and pedal up to my Grandmothers house for a visit with her, but got there and she wasn't home. So I took the back road home and sat in a field for a bit since it was peaceful and quiet with a good view of Mount Monadnock and took a picture of my bike with the mountain in the background. Went back home for a bit then decided to pedal over to visit my cousin, stayed there for a bit. Then had to rush back home to see my nephew. He's growing fast. Me, My Sis and My Mom decided to take him up to Grandma's so she could see him and we had him laughing louder than I ever heard him laugh, it was cute. He's one cool little dude. Can't wait til he's riding bikes with me. Well that was my day. A few pictures below.

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